Mon 27 Jan
•♥• [ BRUNETTE ] •♥• [ PRETTY ] •♥• [ SWEET ] •♥• [ CLASSY ] •♥• - 21 - 21
(Houston, 45n,Woodlands,Conroe, spring,out calls)
🎀 ALL NIGHT SPECIALS 💋 New Look 💋 Luscious Lips 💋 Thick Thighs 🎀 Out Call$ ONLY!! - 20
(Bronx, All of the bronx)
_ _ _ _ _ BrEaTh-TaKiNg _ BrUnNEtTe - BeAuTYy _ ON _ dUtY aNd AVAILABLE _ 24/7 _ _ _ _ _ - 24
(N. Houston & All Surrounding Areas)
**BeaUtIFul buBbLY bRUNeTtE lookIN** 4 a gooD TImE //neW N da ciTY & LooKkN 4 CoMPanY - 23
(Houston, S.E / Fuqua/ Beltway8/(ALL AROUND))
******* ****** THE CUTEST LIL BRUNETTE ******* ******* ::::: 5 STAR PERFORMANCE ::: - 23
** Be AuTiFuL *** ((most REQUESTED!!)) *** PLaYm aTe *** AVAILAbLE NOW!!!! - 18
*New* Asian Mila Tequila !! DD Cup INCALL or OUTCALL available 6-cl at Courtesan Escorts - 22
50%0FF 50%0FF 50%0FF RaTED ☆☆☆☆ 's HALF 0FF 0VERNiGHTS- 2 SEXY WOMEN for the price of 1
(Columbia/Jeff City, Kirksville, Traveling to you)
🎀TOP Notch NEW pics,📸💥TOP Notch Playmate🎀🍏Beautiful Bombshell🍎Body 2 die 4💎In/out calls☎📞 - 22
(Columbia, Columbia/Jeff City)
💋💋 ~ 100% Satasfaction guaranteed! ~💋💋 Call Now! Available now! - 23
(Kansas City, Kansas City Area)
★TrEAT YoUrSeLf To ThiS SmokiN HOT BRuNeTTE!★Tan&ToNeD; ❤★InCall southeast Portland ★❤SPECIALS! - 26
(Portland, incall southeast 92nd ((SPECIALS)))
♥♥KY's Fav Duo R Still Waitin 4 U Rite off Exit 87♥♥ Come C the Beautiful Blonde & Busty Brunette ♥♥ - 24
(Lexington, Richmond/Lexington)
*New* Asian Mila Tequila !! DD Cup INCALL or OUTCALL available 6-cl at Courtesan Escorts - 22
★TrEAT YoUrSeLf To ThiS SmokiN HOT BRuNeTTE!★EXOTIC GrEeN EyEs!❤ ★S.E. iNCaLL & OutCaLLs★ - 27
(Portland, INcaLL&OUTCALL360-356-0264;)
★★ KY's Fav Duo ♥♥ Ashlee & Angie ♥♥ R Double the Trouble 💋💋 Come Have Sum Fun w/ Us 💋💋 - 24
(Lexington, Richmond/Lexington)
💕💕💕 Thick Sexy Latina Ready To Have Some Hott Fun 🔥🔥🔥 $80 Special 💋💋💋 call 📞 Me 💞💋 - 23
(Northeast Portland, ne Portland)
100% R€AL __JʉC!Y ASS__ NEW PICS! _ ▓ P_€_T_!_T_€_ ❣ _T_H_!_G_H_T_ ❣ B_ʉ_N_N_Y_ ◄ - 25
(Columbia/Jeff City, Wherever u need me to be ♡)
☰ ____ *=B U S T Y=* ____ *=B R U N E T T E=* ____ *=B O M B S H E L L=* ____ ☰
hot rates! flat rate girlfriend, non hotel non smoker ddd free - 28
(lexington, lexington/tates creek giftcard,credit,$)
-~*~- TrEaT-*- YouR*SeLF -*- 2 -*- SwEeT *&* TaStY-*- SaTiSfYiNg -*- EnDuLgEncE ~-*-~ YummY - 28
(Portland, Delta Park/ Portland I-5 / Jantzen Beach)
Today Only✨🎀✨ VANCOUVER IC✨🎀✨ TIGHT PeTiTe BoD ✨🎀✨ GoRgeOuS FaCe ✨💄✨ Life SiZe BARBIE ✨💄✨ - 26
(Vancouver, ✨ Vancouver IC ONLY✨)
** Grown & SeXy SaTurDaY Specials All NiTe ~Outcalls* Only~*~ - 22
(Lexington, lexington KY OUTCALLS only)
100% REAL ★--★ SeXy •.¸ ★ ¸.• ExOtIc •.¸ ★ ¸.• SeDucTiVe ★--★ ULTiMaTe COUGAR!!! - 34
(Bronx, Gunhill Incalls)
SeXy BruNeTTe w/ SmoKiN HoTT RaTeS- So WhAt aRe YoU WaiTiNg 4? CaLL NoW 2 ScHeDuLe YoUr DaTe! - 23
B o o t y - f u l l NYMPHO beauty on duty! Cum see if YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE ? - 24
(45n&1960(incall)/ Outcalls All Over)
* * Hottest Blonde * * Come & Get it * * - 23
(Bowling Green, In/Out, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
╰☆╮ Hurry Up & Come C ♥♥ Blonde 8592006886 ♥♥ Brunette 8595750550 ♥♥ Or Both 4 $120 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ╰☆╮ - 24
(Lexington, Richmond)
I'm back in Lexington! Sweet, sexy, o is ready to play! Lets Have Fun! New Number! - 33
(Lexington, Lexington Incall/Outcall)
.. -:¦- ° ((ThE OnE YoU WaNt )) ° .. -:¦:- SuPeR SeXi BRuNeTTe ~Ready To Play~ - 22
(Gresham Incall SPECIALS)
tall and curvey busty brunette beauty outcall only - 22
(Portland, tigard, lake Oswego, airport, beaverton,)
I make every experience enjoyable For You and Me! I'm always up when they are asleep.... - 26
(East Bay, OaklandConcordPittsburghFremontSanLeandr)
★★ Double ♥A♥ Team ★★ Ashlee ♥ Angie ★★ R Double the Trouble ★★ Call Now 4 Double Fun ★★ - 24
(Lexington, Richmond/Lexington)
SUPER HOTT Brunette ,>>> w/ SiZziLinG $120 Specials ** GFE ** - 22
(portland,beaveron INCALLs & OUT)
♥ STuNNiNGLy BeauTiFul BBW! ♥ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe! ♥ FoRGeT THe ReST, HaVe THe BeST! - 29
(Incall SE Foster 75+ & Outcall 100+, Portland)
╚» ✰ An agency you can TRUST! ✰ «╝ The most recommended agency! - 21
(Orange County, se habla espanol)
★ ▓ StuNNinG BruNeTTe KiTTeN ☆ SLeNdeR & GoRgEoUs ▓ ★ 100% REAL PICS - 22
*~*Enjoy Twice the Pleasure w/The Blonde&Brunette; Duo! Dont Miss Our 2 Girl Special! **Best Deals!** - 24
(Lexington, Richmond/Lexington)
***Leaving at 5*** ((( BEST IN TOWN ))) ***5O/1OO LEAVING SPECIAL*** CALL NOW - 22
(Columbia, Broad River & I-20)
●. ~•°Hypnotizing Big Green Eyes●. ~•° Freaky Angel ●. ~•° Body of a Goddess ●. ~•° - 23
(East Bay, North Bay, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, San Mateo, Out calls only. Sf bay area SPECIALS)
:*¨¨* SweeT As HeAven :*¨¨*NaUgH.tee As H3.LL** 100$ hh - 22
(Pdx all over your place or mine 😘, Portland)
SUNDAY'S BEST ** 100hh Special ** T!€HT & $Weet! Feel this HOT TODAY! - 32
(Portland, NE Portland/PRIVATE INCall)
**BEST DISCOUNT EVER!!** 2 Girls for $120~1 Girl for $60!!**Don't Let this Pass u By!** - 24
(Lexington, Richmond)
If Variety is the Spice of Life, We have ALL Your Favorite Flavors! - 25
(East Bay, Oakland, San Francisco)
¯`'·.¸✮ ¸.·'´¯ Sweet Lil Blue Eyed Treat! ¯`'·.¸✮ ¸.·'´¯ - 34
(Portland, IC PDXx/ OC surrounding area)