Mon 27 Jan
"Dynamic Duo" Forget the rest, we're the best! Come see Brooke and Eternity for an amazimg time! - 26
Satisfaction *is* ONLY *a*call * away I Got It
(San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, City Location)
Sexy experienced playmate ready to please
(San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, City Location)
Mature Cougar - Ecsatic Kundalini Massage - Tangible Results - Bondassage - 50
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose west - nice area)
Lovely Mature Woman Accepting New Clients For Exquisite Massage - 48
(San Jose / South Bay, South Bay)
(((((((((( Feel AMAZING*~*Full-body Rubdown**)))))))))))) - 25
(San Luis Obispo, San luis Obispo IncallOutcall)
GRAND OPENING!!!Diamond day spa) COME AND TRY U WILL LOVE IT!! Near casino and airport 5 mins away - 25
(1299 n first sreet suit. b, San Luis Obispo)
Think it's pouring outside, wait til u see this water show ☔ Sorry OUTCALL ONLY, available now - 31
(Lexington, Lexington and surrounding areas)
Soothe and Heal your body w a quality massage/ enticing rubdown, Rues, Sept 11th 6pm-11pm 490-4987 - 45
Just Arrived New Hot Sexy Model Looking Asian Girl Hot & Ready To Rock Your Fricky Friday - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, 265 Meridian Ave #11, San Jose ,Ca 95126)
~ B ~ Blond, Thick,"ViNTaGe ViXeN" Visitin? After Mid Oct 2012- Paso-C.C. area - 43
(San Luis Obispo, Paso Area/C.C ~ aftr Mid. Oct 2012)
█ █ █ ☆★☆ She can do best for your wonderful day ☎CALL NOW 805-657-9147 ☆★☆ █ █ █ - 25
(San Luis Obispo, PASO ROBLES, Adescadero & surrounding)
Hot Sexy Young Latina/Asians Model Looking Available right now!!Open Late Night! - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, 265 meridian ave #11 San Jose Ca 95126)
~~ * Simply the Best!! Massage *~~ AMERICAN STAFF LOCATED IN Paso Robles - 30
(San Luis Obispo, Not in SLO- In Paso Robles)
im bored and looking for fun. can you think of anything exciting?
(San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, City Location)
~~ mellifluous ... warm ... MILO de NIN ... GODDESS of the EXOTIC and EROTIC - INDEPENDENT ~~ - 26
**Grand Opening**Hot Young Sexy Beautiful Asian Girls available $30/Half Hour - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, 2166 story rd ,san jose ,ca 95122)
~~ luxuriate in the mellifluous ART of SENSUAL RELAXATION with GODDESS MILO... INDEPENDENT~~ - 28
(Boulder, Boulder- Incall)
❤❤❤ New In Town ❤❤❤ SWEET & SEXY Asian❤❤ Open Minded ❤FBSM ❤NURU ❤ Tantra - 25
New Massage Spa - Alum Rock Ave - Beautiful Young Chinese Masseuses!!!!!! $40/Hour!!!!! - 29
(San Jose / South Bay, 1939 Alum Rock Ave. #B, San Jose 95116)
————— — ██ Ne*w_ Joy Body massage SPA ———————— GOOD PRICE ———————— - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose west /408-996-9348)
Perfect touch real massage & soft rubs. Sun. -Wed. 10am-midnt. 859-550-6760 - 47
(Lexington, Lexington trusted provider)
Everything you need wrapped up in one package-Amazing skills - 29
(Denver, DTC-Up ALL day and night)
@@@@@@ Magnificent And sensational Full Body Massage With Young Sexy Hotties^^^^^^ - 26
(San Jose / South Bay, Sunnyvale/Mountain View)
#@%@#@#@#@#@#@ Full-body Sensual Massage#@#@#@#@#@ - 25
(San Luis Obispo, San Luis Incall & Surrounding Outcalls)
Sweet Kayla is in town! Sure to please! - 23
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, Outcall)
------> Real SATISFYING Full Body Massage, Openings Today!
(San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Downtown)
Next Week! Delicious Mistress of Bliss!! ReD-HoT CMT massage from a gorgeous goddess! - 28
Hosting Sun am till 9am JenyLuv 5citiesgirl Best Bodyrub ! - 40
(San Luis Obispo, SLO till 9am 302-7333(805))
—— Ne*w_EnjoyBody massage SPA ———————— Magic_4 Hands———————— - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, 1751 Saratoga Avenue, San Jose)
A HEAVENLY Massage Just for YOU!:)Available Sunday - 29
(San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo(Private Incall))
~*~Hot Brunette Co Ed Alison The WORKING MANS SPECIAL...TODAY ONLY! HOT HOT HOT* * * ~ - 19
(Boulder - Discreet Incall)
Relax with the sexiest around.. 🍉🍑🍒🍈🍈No texting Please (In call only) Located in Frankfort - 28
(Frankfort, Lexington)
Massage & Spa - Beautiful New Spa - Beautiful Young Masseuses - 30
(San Jose / South Bay, 311 N. Capitol Ave #D, San Jose,CA 95133)
Elena In town for a week! August 14th-August 20th
(San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Outcall)
🎯🎯🎯(RENTON AmErIcAn) 🎯🎯🎯 HEAD to ToE ReLaxAtIoN - 30
(Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, RENTON Highlands, Seattle, Tacoma)
LAST DAY OF Tax Relief SPECIAL! LOWER BP RATES NEW PICS! $100/45min WOW !!! Available Sat 10a-10p - 37
(San Jose / South Bay, Near San Jose Airport)
Skip the Games! Korean, Russian, Latina, Asian Girls! - 23
(Bellingham, Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Skagit County, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, Yakima, Outcall)
42H Biracial Beauty Ready to Melt Away Your Stress - 33
(Lexington, Lexington, KY and surrounding area)
📣 ´・。・:*:・゚☆NuRu by Jai 。・:*:・゚ Google nuru :*:・゚N/ or pr0st@te massage 🌙 180 special - 28
🌹🌹🌷🌹🌹HEALTH SPA hot sexy sweet&beautiful; Asian&latin; Girl good service everyone - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose)
Heaven Day Spa*** Come Feel Like You Are In Heaven** - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, 265 Meridian Ave #11, San Jose, Ca 95126)
"Sweet Escape" Quality massage and soft rubdown. Mon Sept 23. noon-midnight 859- 490-4987 - 46
~~ mellifluous ... sybaritic ... MILO: goddess of the EXOTIC and EROTIC... INDEPENDENT !!! ~~ - 26
$100 Special Continued today 3/24/2015 in the SLO Pismo Areas! - 51
(San Luis Obispo, Incall Outcall +/- 50 miles SLO)